The best way to start is to attend one of our weekly sittings, on Sundays (9:30 am - noon) and Wednesdays (7 - 9 pm). Let us know you are coming so that we can guide you through our country roads and make introductions (see contact info at the bottom of the page). If you’re new to Zen practice, we will arrange for a member to meet with you before things begin and give you at least a brief orientation to the buildings and grounds and to the forms of practice that we maintain.

Please also read the “What to Expect” and “Zendo Terms” sections below before you come.

If you join us for formal practice, wear comfortable, modest, dark-colored clothing and footgear that slips on and off easily.

For a practical introduction to Zen as its taught in our lineage, we recommend reading the book Taking the Path of Zen, by Diamond Sangha founder Robert Aitken in paperback or pdf. While it doesn’t describe exactly the way we do things here, it will provide useful general background information.

What to Expect

If it’s your first visit to Ring of Bone Zendo, this document should help you get oriented and enjoy your time with us. Those who are new to Zen practice will encounter many new terms and forms, and it can feel confusing. Just do your best, and follow along with what others are doing. Don’t worry about getting the forms “right” your first time. Everyone here was once a beginner.


Let’s start at the parking area. We park in the upper parking lot and walk down to the zendo, unless we have physical conditions that prevent us from doing so; in that case, there’s a lower parking area that can be used. As you walk down the hill, you’ll come to a turn for a residence on your left. Continue past the turn, and the zendo will be visible to your left as you continue down the hill another hundred yards or so. The zendo sits at the edge of a large meadow.

A deck wraps all the way around the zendo. Remove your shoes before stepping up onto this deck, and place them on the shoe rack located at the front of the building. If it’s your first time at the zendo, arrangements have most likely been made to give you an orientation. If for some reason that hasn’t happened, here’s what to expect:

When You Arrive

Longtime members of the group usually arrive early to get the buildings and grounds ready for zazen (sitting practice). People will likely be sweeping the decks, raking the grounds, cleaning, and getting a fire ready in the dojo (sitting hall) and hojo (teacher’s hut) when the weather is cold.

Start of Sitting

A loud densho (bell) will begin ringing ten minutes before the scheduled time to begin zazen. We cease our conversations and socializing and observe silence once this bell starts to ring. This is the time to finish up whatever task you are doing and take a seat in the dojo.

Finding Your Seat

As you enter the dojo, pause just inside the door and do a standing bow towards the altar. Find a seat and bow toward it, then turn and bow facing the room before you sit down. There are extra sitting cushions and support cushions in the back corner of the dojo, as well as chairs on the east deck if you prefer to sit in a chair.


We have four leaders in the room to help us in our zazen and chanting practices. There is a Tanto who serves as our practice leader, a Jikijitsu, who keeps the time for our zazen periods and leads us in kinhin (walking meditation), a Jisha who serves as our teacher’s attendant and facilitates our individual time with our teacher, and an Ino who leads our chanting.


Our sitting blocks are divided into half-hour periods, with 25 minutes of zazen followed by five minutes of kinhin. The Jikijitsu will ring the shijo three times to begin the 30minute round of practice.


After 25 minutes, the timekeeper will ring the bell twice to signal the beginning of kinhin. Bow, rise from your seat, and stand in front of your cushion. The timekeeper will clap wooden blocks once to signal the beginning of kinhin. You will then bow, and immediately turn to your left and follow the person in front of you in a line. Space yourself about an arm’s length away from the person in front of you. Continue your meditation practice as you walk. The jikijitsu will clap the clappers again, and the line will speed up. Stop in front of your seat. At a silent signal from the jikijitsu, the group will bow together. Sit back down for another 25-minute period. Sometimes we face the wall and other times face the center of the room; just follow what others are doing.


If you need to relieve yourself or get a drink of water, kinhin is the time to do so. Begin the walk as described above, and the first time you come to the main door, give a quick bow and step out the door. When you return to the dojo, wait at the door until the jikijitsu gives the silent signal for everyone to bow. Bow with the group and return to your seat.

Wednesday Evenings

On Wednesday evenings, we do zazen starting at 7:00 PM, ending at 9:00 PM. We end the evening with the chanting of sutras.

Sunday Mornings

On Sundays we have sutra service during the first sitting period (9:30-10:00 AM). Zazen ends at noon. You will be given a sutra book so that you can follow along with the chants we do.


Some members have established a working relationship with our teacher, Nelson Foster. If he is attending zazen that day, he will almost always offer dokusan. Dokusan is an opportunity for a brief one-on-one meeting with the teacher. You’ll notice folks leaving and returning to the dojo during some of the periods when this is occurring, as they depart to or come back from dokusan.

Our Practice Forms

If you are new to a meditation practice, or just new to the Ring of Bone Zendo forms, give yourself time to learn the forms. We use the forms so that we can maintain silence and settle into our meditation practice. If you have questions, we have members who would be happy to meet with you to answer any questions you may have.

Zendo Terms

  • Zendo: Zen hall. In Ring of Bone’s case, it also serves to name the temple as a whole and the sangha itself.

  • Dōjō: the Japanese pronunciation of a Chinese phrase meaning “tao place.” That, in turn, translates the Sanskrit term bodhimanda, which means “seat of awakening.” Now commonly used to designate practice sites for various Asian martial art forms.

  • Hōjō: means roughly “ten-foot square” and designates the teacher’s quarters. The place where one consults the teacher in private.

  • Zazen: literally “seated Zen.” Central to Zen practice.

  • Kinhin: a form of walking practice punctuating periods of zazen.

  • Sesshin: translates as “to touch or convey the heartmind.” Extended period of formal practice, usually multiple days.

  • Sutras: teachings attributed to the Buddha. A brief selection of these are chanted during most practice events.

  • Dokusan: a formal meeting with the teacher at one’s own instigation. Rarely occurs outside zazen or sesshin. Also known as sanzen.

  • Zafu: the standard round cushion used during zazen.

  • Zabuton: the large square, padded mat used under a zafu.

  • Teishō: a Dharma presentation given by a master during sesshin.

  • Jikijitsu: the leader who times sittings and leads kinhin. The jikijitsu sits next to the door used to enter and exit the zendo.

  • Jisha: the leader responsible for attendance, work, and the dokusan line. The jisha sits directly opposite the jikijitsu, next to the door used to exit the zendo for dokusan.

  • Ino: leader of sutra services, meals, and tea.

  • Tanto: oversees the zendo and the work of the other dōjō leaders during formal practice events.

  • Tenzo: leader responsible for meal planning and for overseeing meal preparation during sesshin.

  • Densho: the very large bell hanging between the zendo and the kitchen. Used mainly to sound a ten-minute sequence signaling the beginning of an event in the dōjō.

  • Han: a board struck with a mallet to announce the gathering for teishō and in several other ceremonies.

  • Umpan: the flat “cloud gong” used mainly to announce meals.

  • Shijo: the bell that the jikijitsu uses to begin and end sitting periods.

  • Kansho: the bell used at the head of the dokusan line, answering signals from the teacher.

  • Inkin: a hand-held bell used by the ino and the jikijitsu.

  • Kyosaku: literally “admonishing stick.” A long flat stick periodically offered by the tanto during zazen. Applied to a muscular area of the shoulders, it is used in the Diamond Sangha only by request.


After a year of participation in Ring of Bone Zendo activities, you are invited to become a member. We offer different levels of membership that reflect different levels of participation, from infrequent to regular.

Donations and Volunteering

There are multiple ways for members to help support the Zendo, from financial support to volunteering.