Leadership Pools

Our all-volunteer organization is supported by many dedicated people. Sangha members interested in a leadership position should contact the appropriate pool leader. If you are listed in a pool and your availability has changed, please advise the pool leader (named in bold italic).

Sesshin Leader Pools

  • Tanto: Jenny Long (members@ringofbonezendo.org), Judyth Collin, Kate Duroux, Allan Finlay, Reed Hamilton, Eric Larsen, Greg Leeson, Cindy Leeson, Andrew Mason, Steve Mulford, Nate Popik, Jim Pyle, Masa Uehara

  • Jikijitsu: Reed Hamilton (reedhamilton2@gmail.com), Johanna Bangeman, Sheelo Bohm, Kate Duroux, Allan Finlay, Sue Finlay, Eric Larsen, Cindy Leeson, Greg Leeson, Chris Mulford, Steve Mulford, Nate Popik, Jim Pyle, Davis Reeves, Joy Weaver

  • Jisha: Greg Leeson (members@ringofbonezendo.org), Sheelo Bohm, Judyth Collin, Kate Duroux, Allan Finlay, Sue Finlay, Reed Hamilton, Michael Keown, Eric Larsen, Cindy Leeson, Jenny Long, Andrew Mason, Chris Mulford, Steve Mulford, Nate Popik, Jim Pyle

  • Ino: Cindy Leeson (cleeson611@gmail.com), Johanna Bangeman, Judyth Collin, Kate Duroux, Anne Dutton, Suzanna Elkin, Sue Finlay, Eric Larsen, Greg Leeson, Elizabeth Lewis, Jenny Long, Andrew Mason, Steve Mulford, Nate Popik, Davis Reeves, Dana Turner, Masa Uehara

  • Tenzo: Judyth Collin (members@ringofbonezendo.org), Sheelo Bohm, Kate Duroux, Michael Keown, Andrew Mason, Chris Mulford, Steve Mulford

  • Sesshin Coordinator: Chris Mulford (cmulfordca@gmail.com), Sheelo Bohm, Erika Carpenter, Judyth Collin, Reed Hamilton, Michael Keown, Eric Larsen, Cindy Leeson, Greg Leeson, Jay Veazey, Lynne Westerfield

The Practice of Administration


  • Editor: Reed Hamilton (reedhamilton2@gmail.com)

  • Layout: Ken Schumacher

  • Proofreading: Jamie Hunyor, Bob Speiser

  • Mailing: Greg Leeson, Cindy Leeson

If you would like to become more involved with creating this newsletter, please write to the editor at the above email address. Submissions of original artwork, poetry, articles, photographs or anything else that might be of interest to the sangha are appreciated.

Other roles